Coffee in Our Kitchen – Clever Dripper Recap

Thanks for joining us for our 3rd installment of Coffee in Our Kitchen! We love the Clever Dripper for its simplicity and quality cup. Below is a quick overview of how we brewed the Clever in our video as well as answers to questions we were asked. Shoot us a message if you had a question that didn’t get asked and we will get back to you as soon as we can. Tune in next week for our 4th installment where we will cover the differences in home drip brewers!
If you want a full-bodied cup without much hassle, this is the brew method for you.
Coffee in our Kitchen: Clever Dripper In this week's Coffee in our Kitchen, Matt brews on the Clever Dripper! Posted by Driven Coffee on Saturday, April 25, 2020
How We Brewed Our Clever Dripper

- Coffee: Driven Guatemala Antigua
- Grind: Medium drip grind
- Filter: Filtropa or Melitta #4
- Coffee Weight: 26 grams
- Water Weight: 450 grams
- Water Temperature: off boil, 200 degrees
- Yield: about 10oz of coffee
Clever Dripper Brew Steps
- Place filter in Clever Dripper
- Pre-wet filter with water just off boil.
- Drain out water from Clever into your mug to preheat the mug (be sure to drain water from mug prior to coffee pour).
- Add 26 grams of coffee to filter
- Start timer and pour in 50 grams of water to allow coffee to bloom
- At 30 seconds pour in remaining 400 grams of water. Pour technique is not critical here as it is an immersion brew method, meaning the water is really just steeping.
- Allow coffee to steep until 3:30 and then place Clever on your mug and allow coffee to drain out.
- At 4 minutes remove Clever and dispose of filter.
- Enjoy your cup of coffee!
Clever Dripper Q&A Followup
- What sets apart the Clever Dripper from other brew methods? The Clever is a combo immersion and drip brewer. This is essentially some of the best parts of a French Press combined with a filter to pull out the oils. Additionally, due to the myriad of techniques you can use on this combining the steep time and the drain time, you can pull out many different things from coffees.
- When would you recommend using this brew method? I would use the Clever for an easy brew that doesn’t require a ton of attention of technique. If you want a full-bodied cup without much hassle, this is the brew method for you.
- Is this brew method better suited for certain types of roasts? Due to the immersion style of brewer, it does a little better with medium to dark roasted coffees. You can brew any coffee but it really shines with medium to dark.
- Can you use the Clever to brew loose-leaf tea? Absolutely! To brew tea on it place two teaspoons or between 6-10 grams of tea in the filter and steep it for 4 minutes, then drain. Water temperature for green or Oolong teas should be between 175 and 185 degrees, black or herbal just off boil.
- Can you taste the difference between a Chemex and a Clever? Definitely, the Chemex makes a delicate and exquisite cup of coffee that really does well in light roast to medium coffees. The Clever will make a more full-bodied cup of coffee that really pulls out more of the roast characteristics.
- How do you use the spoon to further extract the coffee with a Clever? Great question! The spoon can be used to break the crust at about 1 minute to let some of the gasses escape. It can also be used prior to the drip out at around 3 minutes to agitate the coffee, increasing extraction and reincorporating the fines to prevent clogging while dripping out.
- Why is it called the Clever Dripper? Although I can not confirm this, I believe it is called a Clever due to the “clever” drip out valve on the bottom. The design has small feet that keep the valve from depressing and overall it truly is a clever design.